Ateliers - Workshops
Whether you are curious or seeking that extra little bit of advice, an ermerging, a mid-career, or an established visual artist, you are invited to join Galerie Sans Clous's series of four workshops.

Starting an Artist Studio with Brittany MacLean-Giulietti
Saturday December 7th, Cafe 4 Good 326 Queen Street East , 6:30-8:30 PM
The studio is a place which formalizes the vocation of visual artists in the community and which offers a place for conversation and exchange. What are the environmental, social, mental health, and artistic components to take into account ? What do I want to achieve with my studio ?
More about Brittany: Free. All welcome. Donations to Search and Rescue are accepted. Places are limited to 8 spots. Reserve with

Developing a Series of Works for an Exhibition With Lucia Laford
"Developing a series of works for an exhibition" with Lucia Laford
Saturday January 18th, Cafe 4 Good, 326 Queen Street East, 6:30-8:30 pm
How to assemble works for an exhibition and bid with a gallery. What does a typical request look like? What are the important documents to create, what is an artist statement, usual and diverse practices in applying for exhibitions. More about Lucia:
Free. All welcome. Places are limited, reserve with

Accounting for Artists With Sam BBA ACCT
“Accounting for Artists” with Sam BBA ACCT
Saturday February 15th, Cafe 4 Good, 326 Queen Street East, 6:30-8:30 pm
How to prepare your receipts and accounts for accountants in order to give to an accounting company. Best receipt keeping policy, review of main expenses that can be claimed. This workshop aims to alleviate anxiety.
Visit : to find a blank excel sheet and to discover more about Sam’s work. Free. All welcome. Donations to gazasunbirds are accepted. Places are limited, reserve with

Demystifying Grant Writing for Artists With Isa Michaud
“Demystifying grant applications for Visual artists” with Isa Michaud (in French and English)
Saturday March 15th, Cafe 4 Good, 326 Queen Street East, 6:30-8:30 PM
Some practical tips on how much time to spend on each aspect of grant writing. What are some of the main things to keep in mind when applying for grants in terms of long term planning, collaborations, priority groups, deadlines, etc.
«Démystifier les demandes de subvention» avec Isabelle Michaud
Samedi le 15 mars, Cafe for Good, 326 Queen Street Est, 18 h 30 à 20 h 30
Quelques conseils pratiques sur le temps à consacrer à chaque aspect de la rédaction d’une subvention. Quelles sont les principales choses à garder à l'esprit lors d'une demande de subvention en termes de planification à long terme, de collaborations, de groupes prioritaires, de délais, etc.
Free. All Welcome. Donations to Grocers 4 Good are accepted. Places are limited to 8 spots, reserve with Tous sont les bienvenus. Les dons sont acceptés pour Grocers 4 Good. Les places sont limitées à 8 places. veuillez réserver avec